The initial instrumentation enabled us to record only the most powerful
manifestations of solar activity: active regions, and flares. The lack of the necessary
computer and receiver technologies dictated the particular technique of formation of
the beam and the principle of operation of the SSRT. Progress was achieved by
resolving the problems of phasing the 128-element equidistant antenna arrays of
long electrical length (1.2x104 wavelengths), synchronous tracking of the Sun
throughout the daytime in climatic conditions of Siberia, recording the radio
brightness distribution of the solar corona, generating solar radio images, and
automating the operation and controlling all systems of the territorially distributed
SSRT complex. The successful phasing of such multi-element antenna arrays added
in creating, in 1992, the 17 GHz  radioheliograph at Nobeyama Observatory
(Japan). The creation of the SSRT signified the advent in Russia of systematic
radioheliography and a meaningful breakthrough in solar radio astronomy. In
addition to the SSRT, the ISTP operates another two large astrophysical
observatories (the high-altitude observatory in the Sayan mountains, and the
observatory on Lake Baikal’s shore) for solar research in the optical range [3]. The
infrared telescope is under development; it is designed for solar corona observation
in the light of the line of He10830 A. Together with the SSRT, they constitute a
large astrophysical complex in East Siberia. The ISTP enjoys one of the leading
scientific schools of Russia in the field of  research on solar activity and solar-
terrestrial connections; a wealth of experience on scientific instrument making has
been accumulated.