Nançay Radioheliograph
General characteristics
Frequency range: 150 - 450 MHz
Baselines from 50 to 3200m (25 to 4,800 l)
576 baselines (with some redundancies)
Spatial resolution: ~4 to 0.3 arcmin (depending on frequency, declination, snapshot/synthesis)
Field of view: from 3 to 0.5 degrees
Stokes I and V
Time resolution: 5 ms* number of frequencies

Nançay Radioheliograph
General characteristics (cont.)
Bandwidth: 700 kHz
Dynamic: 45 db (power in that bandwidth)
Separate flux receivers set attenuators (time constant: 5 ms)
Multifrequency done by high speed (5ms) frequençy switching between 5 to 10 frequencies
Further integration gives standard mode: 8 Im./sec for 5 almost simultaneous frequencies.

Slide 3

Nançay Radioheliograph: 5m antennas (north-south array)

Nançay Radioheliograph: East - west array flat antennas
Low gain antennas: (~wide band dipoles)
Severe sensitivity limitation at high frequency
One linear polarization

Slide 6

Slide 7

Nançay Radioheliograph
Data processing
Integrated datas (images, fits,mpeg) available on line after the observation
10 sec integrated datas available on line 2 weeks after
High resolution data on request
NRH package included in Solarsoft: image processing, parameters as function of time, CLEAN…

Nançay Radioheliograph
Mpeg daily files (2000 june ,14)

Nançay Radioheliograph
Upgrade ( spring 2002 ?)
4 antennas (low gain log-periodic), adding 68 visibilities in the central part of the u-v plane
Larger field of view
Aliasing suppressed in most cases
Better flux measurement for extended objects