Flares, CMEs and Interplanetary disturbances

"Electron beam observations in the..."

Type III bursts at 169 MHz

Type III bursts: polarisation

CMEs: Association with eruptive prominences and flares

Filament/prominence eruption

Flare/CME events

Slide 8

Halo CME May 02 1998
Disk observations

Slide 10

CMEs and shocks

Flare/CME events

Slide 13

Slide 14

Simultaneous activity at two far distinct locations

Electron events and coronal origin

Near-relativistic solar electron events

Near-relativistic solar electron events

Near-relativistic solar electron events

 The July 14 2000 Halo CME event

Slide 21

ACE/EPAM  and Ulysses/HI-SCALE energetic electrons: 14 July 2000
Comparison with radio observations

Slide 23

FASR and Space Weather

Association between CMEs, ICMEs and shocks

Association between ICMEs, shocks detected near the Earth and CMEs

FASR and Space Weather

FASR and Space Weather

FASR and long term perspective